We are currently developing source code for the file sharing network called ASMLocator.
Those who wish to help the project shall have unlimited, i.e. lifetime, keys, which will provide limitless access to any additional services of ASMLocator.
What is ASMLocator? When you install this program on your PC, you will be able to look for different content (video, audio, various files and other content) with the help of an integrated search engine. This is much more convenient. You will be able to make your own file available for the whole net. And you will need to perform just a few clicks for that. We are also planning to add independent modules into the program which will be of convenience for the Internet users. This way, it will be possible to reach the all-in-one scenario which will save you of the necessity to use several different programs and will make it more comfortable to use your computer.

Here is the description of various features of the program, relative to different versions of the program.

Note: The description will NOT be strictly compliant with the order of versions (for brevity) since the program has many experimental and intermediate versions. Therefore, it is not necessary to descript all versions in their order.

v50 - Client and server applications have been developed. These applications interact via the TCP/IP protocol with SSL encryption support. This protocol ensures with the probability of 1 that if data have been intercepted in any point of the net, they cannot be read. The server is adapted both for automatic speed adjustment (when the number of clients changes) and for manual adjustment of download-upload speed (over a very wide range). There was a bug in the experimental version, which happened for an undefined reason, but it was fixed. Many server-side functions have been introduced. As for the cl ... Read more »

You can render assistance to our project by donating money. All funds gathered in this campaign will be used solely for the project development. This way I will be able to bring you maximum benefit, conveniece and even more possibilities of using the Internet.

Bank card for donations: 4276 8670 2460 0653
(Note: you can use a card of any payment system: VISA, MasterCard (Maestro)).
Approximate path in ATMs: Payment and transfer -> Transfer funds -> Enter card number ...............

Respectfully yours,
P. Aleksandr

The network project "ASMLocator" has its center in Tyumen city. If you provide some kind of assistance to the project, you will be able to use "SPECIAL FEATURES" of the program for free for unlimited time. This rule includes all versions of the program, even the most recent ones - depending on the choice of the user.

It is easy to help the project, you just need to register here:


Reponse will contain confirmation of registration in the whole ASMLocator project; an entry about a SPECIAL USER with a lifetime key will be added into the registration file . The key, however, shall not have any fixed value. Above registration data will have priority for confirmation of lifetime possession. Users registration data MAY NOT BE DELETED!

Release of the program will be announced on the website of the company, accompanied by a download link. The above opportunity of registering as a SPEC ... Read more »

Obviously, we develop our own torrent client and an update system for it. You will probably have to wait a bit until first version is released. There are too many dependencies to be taken care of. But I am pretty sure that our users are going to like our program.

You may download the program and try it. The program provides some capabilities with the use of its components. However, the source code is not distributed (freeware license). All builds will be implemented in the commercial development environment under the relevant license of the developer.

The fact that the programm is "free" does not permit presence of some "malicious" bugs or intentions; the programm shall not be used as spyware.
Developers of AsmLocator guarantee the following:

1. Absense of malicious intent in the developed code, like surveillance, distribution of malicious code (viruses, trojans, worms, spyware etc.)

2. Absense of bugs in the software, including those which can "freeze" the system and those leading to the CPU memory errors (where possible, depending on acquisition times of different systems).

3. Absense of ambiguity; a user shall not be forced to g ... Read more »

In the past, I thought that its code was highly compact (at least it seemed to me so). However, in reality things were much more grim. The exe-file itself is really compiled in C++ mostly with its own library, rasterbar, and is very light. But if we add one package, its size grows to 800 KB. And it's just one package! If we remember that our torrent client supports 30-40 languages, then we can calculate that uTorrent will be 18 MB in size with this functionality!!!
So, this cold math led us to this very valid conclusion: the image of the torrent client uTorrent was ARTIFICIALLY CRAFTED! Nothing personal, just math :-). Some people just promoted this software, nowadays 95% of people in the world use uTorrent. And they were brutally fed these promotional nonsense all this time! There is a good Russian proverb for this situation: "Who pays for a girl's dinner, dances with her". That's what I was trying to say.
